It is a auspicious year in the Chinese horoscope.
Good fortune for all.
I hope so. I am beginning to think I may need a hand from Lady Luck.
I failed miserably whilst in Singapore to train. A combination of terrible jet-lag with high temperatures and humidity stopped me punishing myself by running.
But I now feel guilty.
I have 13 weeks to go until the Marathon. All the training schedules tell me I should be running further and more frequently than I am.
Are they just being over cautious ?
As a lifetime non-follower of rules and strong advocate of going the opposite direction to the crowd, the voices on one side of me say...
"Don't panic Steve. That just them setting unrealistic guidelines" (much like all that nonsense about 20 units a week, and sell-by dates...)
but the other voice says
"Why would they do that Steve ? This is different, this is about getting around in one piece you dum dum."
I am training, I am doing well, and I feel pretty good. I am a stone lighter than I started.
"You are doing well Steve - keep up the good work...and you look great."
The first voice is still winning the fight. Phew.
I am sitting here having a large scotch whilst writing this, might have another now I know it's all okay.
I shall console myself that there are probably hundreds of prospective marathoners in the same boat at the moment,
"Yes that's right, precious. Lots of us in the same boat."
All is well.
"Keep calm, don't panic. The dragons are watching over you."
Go on then, bartend, make that a large one.
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